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Dewdney Updates

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Principal Mess​​age & Announcements:

ice cream sundae.jpgThis will be busy but short week at Dewdney. We have started our volleyball season with our upper intermediate students and will play our first game this Thursday. The grade sixes will also meet with Mr. Conway, VP at Hatzic, to review their options in middle school.  As per Dewdney tradition, the whole school will also receive an ice cream sundae from our PAC volunteers in the later afternoon on Thursday too! There will be no school instr​​uction on Friday as our teachers and staff will be participating in the District's Professional Day of Learning.​

As the snow melts, we expect to see a lot of mud. Please ensure your child has appropriate footwear for outside wear and also has access to a jacket, mitts​​, extra socks and pants.

With the weather expected to be snowy and icy, please check our school closure procedures below.​

images.jpgDewdney's School Closure Procedure

With the winter season upon us, certain weather conditions or power outages could result in a school closure or an unexpected early dismissal.  Visit our INFORMATION page for specific details around communications and school closure procedures.   

Reporting Student Absences

Please report your child(ren)’s absence to the school office via the email address       

We want to ensure that all students are accounted for and have arrived safely at school in a timely manner. Your assistance is appreciated, have a great day!

How to Report an Absence

Please be sure to always report your child(ren) absent in one of the following ways:

·         Email the school office at

·         Leave a voicemail (604) 826-2516. (Voicemail is available 24/7 for messages)

·         Call the school office at (604) 826-2516

What should you report?

·         Student First and Last Name

·         Date of Absence

·         Reason – Sick, Appointment, Vacation, etc.

·         Division or Teacher Name​

Absences Explained

Why does the school call when my child is absent?

In the past many children walked to school and following up on student absences was a safety issue. Now, we have a mix of drop off, bussing, and walking. We want to ensure that all students are accounted for at the beginning of the day and after lunch.

Why does the school ask why my child is absent?

Knowing why your child is absent helps us stay informed about your child.  Vacations, appointments and illness can be followed up positively with staff. 

When a higher percentage of students in a particular class are reported as “ill”, we know we need to follow up on this data with enhanced safety sanitation etc.  All classrooms are cleaned nightly, but in the event of an increased number of absences due to illness other measures may come into play.

Office Calls regarding absences

Each day there are a number of absences that have not been reported to the office.  Each parent must be called until contact has been made to ensure the safety of the child.  Many mor​​nings the list is extensive and takes quite a bit of time to call each parent/guardian.  You can imagine that if your child was unaccounted for you would want to know in a timely manner, calling so many contacts increases the response time.

Information on Upcoming Events:​​​

Kindergarten registration is now open. 

**Please note that Dewdney is a catchment community school and priority is given to in catchment students. 

*** Students living out of catchment must first register with their in-catchment school and then complete a cross boundary request form at Dewdney. These requests are conditional on spaces and resources available, not guaranteed, and are first come first serve.***


NEW! The Ministry of Education requires that proof of legal guardianship is made when registering a child. Ideally, a LONG version of the child's birth certificate is preferable as identification, but there are also alternate documents that can be used, (Landed Immigrant Document, Guardianship Order or Income Tax Statement (children are declared).​

What's Happening Next - Quick Reference Calendar:​

​Eve​​nts at a Glance​​



  • ​​​Feb 13 : Gr. 6 Course Selection Visit from Mr. Conway​, Ice Cream Sundaes from PAC, Volleyball Game #1
  • Feb 14: District Pro D-No School
  • Feb 17: Family Day Stat-No School
  • ​Feb 19: Div 5 & 6 Bear Mountain
  • Feb 20: Volleyball Game #2
  • Feb 21: Div 4 Swimming Field Trip
  • Feb 26: Cultural Days (Indigenous Activities), Pink Shirt Day
  • Feb 28: Volleyball Game #3
  • Feb 28: ​Learning Conferences #2 (2:30-7:45) 30m min break 5-5:30​

  • March 6: Volleyball Tournament
  • March 7: PAC Movie Night
  • March 12: Div 5&6 Inch Creek Hatchery
  • ​March 13: PAC hot lunch-Little Caesar's
  • March 14: Non Instructional Day-No School
  • March 17-28: Spring Break
  • April 11: Half Day-Dismissal at 10:50
  • April 18: STAT-Good Friday-No School
  • April 21: STAT-Easter Monday-No School
  • April 25: Class/School/Grade Six-​​Group Photo
  • April 28: Learning Update #2 (Report Card) Home

District Calendar.png

Click the image to access this year's District School Calendar

Make sure you check out our PAC page for information on meetings, fundraising, and PAC sponsored events