Our school PAC welcomes you and encourages you to get involved as it is a great way to know what is happening at the school. All parents and guardians of children attending Dewdney Elementary are automatically PAC members and have the right to vote. We invite you to attend meetings to keep updated on what's happening and to share your input. Suggestions are welcome at any time as we value your ideas and support. Messages can be left in the PAC mailbox at the school office, or you can contact your PAC Executive.
| Name
| Contact
| Tasia Woodside
dewdneypac@gmail.com |
Vice President
| Aimee Matlak
| |
| Rebecca VanLaerhoven
| Anita Baars
| Christie Lindgren
| |
| Jaime Derewenko Candace Nicholson Ashley Livingston |
PAC Meetings
The next PAC Meeting will be held on:
December 3rd at 6:30 (Meeting Cancelled)
Location: School Library
Upcoming PAC Sponsored Events
Mission Candlelight Parade .....

*** Permission form for Santa Parade can be found here:
PAC Candle Light Parade 2024.pdf
Christmas Store ......
Every year, the PAC creates a Christmas Store for our students to purchase gifts for their family and friends. The funds raised at the store are donated to the Christmas Bureau. This year, the Christmas Store is open Dec. 9, 10, and 11.
Each item is $1.00 and parent volunteers will help wrap and label the gifts so that they remain a surprise. The PAC is asking for families to donate new or gently used items to the Christmas Store. If you are able to donate any items no longer needed in your home, please send them to school next week.
Students are asked to bring pre-filled labels, gift bags, and their money in a Ziploc with their name on it. Shopping is limited to 7 items each day.
Each class will sign up for a time slot every day. Each day is limited to Family in their home on the 9th, Family in/outside their home on the 10th and finally on the 11th is anyone but not themselves.
Presents will be held until Thursday, Dec. 12th. Each teacher has chosen a timeslot for their students to pick them up. Students taking the bus can bring with them however if too big it can get separated into 2 bags and be taken over 2 days. Alternatively, some families may want to arrange pick up of their students presents on Friday. If so please make sure your student knows the arrangement and also please text Jaime at 604-751-6663 to arrange pick up time. Presents will not go home before Thursday. If you have any questions, just text Jaime at 604-751-6663 or email the PAC

Dewdney Elementary PAC Information Facebook Page
Visit our Facebook Page! This a private group for parents and guardians of Dewdney Elementary students to share information regarding upcoming school events and PAC meetings. We will also post volunteering opportunities as required throughout the school year. The page is maintained by the PAC Executive members.